Food-important stuff isn't it? There are so many forms, sizes, names,colours..... . Food means nourishment, pleasure, something to do, necessity...., when asked for their favourite food people often don't know what to answer first, as it changs through the various stages of life. People all over the world, cook different sorts of dishes, they call them differently and give them many names, they keep it or trade it, it is more important for some people and less for others, it can make someone happy or sad sick or well, feeling good or bad, okay or not okay.
“The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.”~Charles Dickens
Montag, 15. Februar 2010
Food-important stuff isn't it? There are so many forms, sizes, names,colours..... . Food means nourishment, pleasure, something to do, necessity...., when asked for their favourite food people often don't know what to answer first, as it changs through the various stages of life. People all over the world, cook different sorts of dishes, they call them differently and give them many names, they keep it or trade it, it is more important for some people and less for others, it can make someone happy or sad sick or well, feeling good or bad, okay or not okay.
Babies are funny a funny thing, if you think about them- well not a thing as in object, but a thing as in topic. They can be simple but are highly complex, some of them need more protection than others and all of them seem to awake that natural instinct in women, that is sometimes hidden or lost.
There is a material aspect e.g. babyclothes, shoes, toys, food, beds....; a mysterious one e.g. birth, growing, language, bonding, development....; a biological one e.g. when do they grow to which extent, when and how is the sex determined, the development inside their moms belly, the influence of various things on their biological development, how does the biological state of mother and father influence the baby....; a psychological one e.g. how is the enviroment in which it is born crucial to the development of its character, when does the character begin to develop, can the later learn-process be influenced before the birth, does inheriting weigh more than learning, when excactly does the learning process which is crucial for character development, start....; an emotional aspect e.g. in how many and which ways does a family benefit from a baby born into the family, how do parents bring their child up the best possible way, which families should have babies, what is the best moment to plan on making a baby, how does one care about their baby, best.....and possibly a dozen more aspects....
~Emily: You're having a baby - do you know that, Lorelai?
Lorelai: Well, that explains the stomachache. ~ Gilmore Girls
~Babies are nature's way of ensuring that men and women will always have something in common.~Rain Bojangles
~Gabrielle: We were supposed to have four weeks. She promised me the baby wasn't due for four more weeks. We don't have anything! We don't, we don't have diapers, and we don't have the stuff babies drink.~ Desperate Housewives
~Chris Rock: I didn't know a lot of girls who had boyfriends. Babies yes, but not boyfriends.~ Everybody hates Chris
~Fran: I wonder if I'll ever really be a mother?
Max: Well, there's always the subway.
Fran: No way. Forget it. The next time I bring home a baby it's gonna be after nine months of swollen ankles and an epidural that could bring down Secretariat. ~ The Nanny
So what do you think?
cheers Alex
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