Genealogy. Tough, time stealing and most of the time expensive. Yet the desire to know where we come from remains locked deep inside us and at some point, if briefly, forces it's way to the surface of our conciousness. Why? There is of course the feeling of the answer giving a hint at the second big question in this category: Where am I going? A sceptical approach would be to throw an argument like:" What on earth would learning about your family's origin add to answering the question of where you're going?" in there. Maybe it's the feeling of being a part of something bigger, a fragment of a whole thing. I for one, find the thought of learning about my family's origin and past, a comforting thought and will continue my recently started research, if only for the sake of trying to find answers.
“The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.”~Charles Dickens
Samstag, 23. Juli 2011
Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011
Farewell adolescence and hello future.....

12th July 2011, approximately 2:30 a.m. was the moment my adolescence ended for good. Why? The moment is as good as any other, but for me and many others of my agegroup these days are different.
For me and maybe others as well these days mark the last ones of a kind of adolescence that involved many things, getting drunk in front of some bar, calling a friend in the middle of the night because you just found out the publish date of this book you both adore, the time where you waited hours in front of a book store just to get your hands on the new book as early as possible, not caring what subject is on next day at school and rather staying at your first love's place just because it got too much at home.... . As sad as it is to see these days go, I am fairly sure I haven't done all these things for the last time, most likely neither of them in fact.
The ending of one is the beginning of another, a saying which is pretty hard to take in at first, but only because people tend to shy away from letting it sink in and exploring the new. Not knowing what will become of the future is a high factor which contributes a great deal to the feeling of anxiety when thinking of the future and it often covers the knowledge that it will be better, that everything will become alright somehow. One only has to remember the past and one knows: It will come another job, another love, possibly even a dream come true or a new chance will present itself.
yours Lexi
Freitag, 8. Juli 2011
10 Gründe warum es sich lohnt alleine* zu wohnen:
1)Man kann in aller Ruhe Milch aus der Flasche trinken.
2)Man hat die alleinige Macht über die Fernbedienung.
3)Man kann so laut singen wie man möchte ohne jemanden beim Mittagsschläfchen zu stören.
4)Keiner meckert wenn man den Abwasch “dann morgen “ erledigt.
5)Man kann theoretisch tun und lassen was man möchte.
6)Bad und WC sind immer frei
7)In Deko-Fragen zählt nur die eigene Meinung
8)Man weiß eindeutig welche Zahnbürste einem gehört.
9)Keiner nimmt einem die Bettdecke weg.
10)Die Naschlade trägt bloß deinen Namen
*PS: Baileys & Tequila haben darauf bestanden dass ich hinzufüge, dass dies Haustiere nur in gewissen Punkten ausschließt.
10 Reasons why it pays off living alone*:
1)You can drink milk from the bottle
2)The power over the remote control is solely yours.
3)You can sing out as loud as you want without disturbing anyone's nap.
4)Nobody complains if you're gonna do the dishes “tomorrow,then”.
5)Theoretically you can do whatever you want.
6)Bathroom and toilet are never occupied.
7)Decoration is yours to handle.
8)You know for certain which toothbrush is yours.
9)Nobody is stealing your blanket.
10)The sweet stock wears your name only.
Baileys and Tequila insisted on me adding that only some points do actually exclude pets.
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